
What is Perspectives?

Perspectives on the World Christian Movement is a dynamic fifteen lesson discipleship course for every Christian. The course is designed to envision local churches and individuals to have a bigger view of God and His purposes, and to equip them to fulfil their individual role within those purposes. More than 240,000 people worldwide have taken the course.

Is Perspectives a “missions” course?

No, Perspectives is not really a “missions” course. To quote the Study Guide, “The point of this course is not to persuade you to become a missionary. Neither is it to train you in skills you need to serve as a missionary. … The primary idea is that God will fulfil His purposes. The certainty that He will see it fulfilled makes His invitation to join Him in His mission a matter of heart-blazing hope.”

So what is Perspectives about?

“As the name implies, the Perspectives course is about vision. It’s about the same vision which empowered Jesus to live His life with joy, hope, and single-hearted passion. This course explores that vision and will help you respond to Christ’s invitation to live for the same purpose and significance that He did.”

Who should take Perspectives?

Every Christian! “We are convinced that God has a ‘world-sized’ role for every Christian in His global purpose. Whether people go to distant countries or stay at home is a secondary issue. The primary issue is what most people are hungry to discover: vision to live a life of purpose. Discovering that vision makes this course valuable, and perhaps crucial, for any Christian.

What material does Perspectives cover?

The fifteen lessons explore God’s global purpose from four different angles: the Biblical Perspective; the Historical Perspective; the Cultural Perspectives; and the Strategic Perspective. Click here for summaries of the fifteen lessons.

What happens during the lessons?

The class lessons are varied, including teaching from guest instructors, prayer, case studies, videos, and more.

Is there a reading requirement?

Yes, the reading is essential. Course participants are required to read material in the Perspectives Study Guide and articles in the Perspectives Reader.

What commitment is required?

Course participants are required to commit to completing the essential “key reading”, reflecting upon this reading, and participating in class where possible (although 100% attendance is not required).

Is Perspectives similar to Kairos?

Perspectives has provided much of the core material for more condensed courses such as Kairos. Perspectives, which goes into more detail and depth, can be a beneficial next step for Christians who have already experienced the Kairos course. Kairos provides a great overview!

What doctrinal statement does Perspectives affirm?

We affirm the Lausanne Covenant.